“Blessed be God” is the fraternal greeting and motto of the associates. They are consecrated by baptism as a “royal priesthood and a holy nation and offer their works to God as spiritual sacrifices, giving witness to Christ in all the world.” Apostolicam Actuositatem No. 3.
From the beginning of the order, Fr. Silviano Carrillo also wanted lay persons to participate in the spirituality and the work of the Sister Servants of the Blessed Sacrament.
The apostles of the Holy Eucharist live as Christians convinced of their faith. They are conscious of their mission in the Church and the world. They authentically adore and share the love for Jesus in the Eucharist. They are messengers of the love of God for all people and they promote personal dignity and the values that strengthen family unity to transform the realities of the world through their witness. Those interested in becoming an Apostle of the Holy Eucharist go through the process of formation to discern their vocation and cultivate their call so that they can enter into an ecclesial commitment.
For more information
please contact:
Sister Eva Rodriguez, Coordinator
3173 Winnetka Drive • Bonita, CA 91902 • Office (619) 267-0720 • province@usasjs.org