Province of the Immaculate Conception

Sr. Katia Chávez, SJS

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Although, I was close to God, I did not want to become a religious sister. I was attracted to sports. I played soccer, volleyball and was in aerobics. Nevertheless, I also was inclined to things of heaven and loved Bible stories, so I became a catechist. We met every weekend for Catechist Formation program, but I would first check the basketball court before assisting in those classes. 

One day I found a handsome young man playing basketball with some altar servers and asked if I could join them. The following weekend, I went in haste to the parish basketball court to find again that young gentleman. I found no one and decided to attend the formation classes. Later, the leader of the catechist group introduced us to “our future priest” with a round of applause. It was the young man I had met at the basketball court. My mind went crazy thinking it was not fair for someone so good looking to end up as Priest! 

Though I was still attracted to him, In time I came to learn that it was not his physical appearance but rather the light of the love by which he lived his life and treated others. On the day of his ordination to Priesthood, I heard a voice. It was clear, profound, piercing, and determined, “If he can give his young life for the church, so can you!” Although, I tried to put it off, the voice kept coming to me insisting I should go. I came to believe God had put him in my path to light the way.

I felt the need to inquire about religious life. The more I knew about it, the more I liked it! Finally, when I said “Yes, Lord!” My life changed! I accepted the Lord as my Lord and Savior and I was immeasurably joyful! From that point onward, I always prayed that all young people find their vocation so they can be as happy as I am. One thing I knew, I wanted to continue teaching bible stories, and I wanted to continue finding the Lord in adoration to the Blessed Sacrament. I found both in the Sister Servants of the Blessed Sacrament. I made my First Profession in 2000 and I can say with unreserved confidence, it is for a better world that I sacrificed my own family and children to be a disciple of Christ and to be a member of the Sister Servants of the Blessed Sacrament.

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